Ncert science book class 8 chapter 1 keywords solution
Hello guys
Today we see keywords of class 8 Ncert science book chapter 1 CROP PRODUCTIONS AND MANAGEMENT.
⭐ Keywords
1.Agricultural practices :- The different practices done in agriculture of crops is known as agricultural practices.
2.Animal Husbandry :- when animals are reared at large scale to obtain food from them it is called animal husbandry
3.Crop :- when we cultivate same kind of plants on large scale at one place it is called crop.
4.Fertiliser :- a natural or chemical substance that is put on land or soil to make plant grow better.
5.Granaries :- large scale storage of grains is done in granaries.
6.Harvesting :- cutting of crop after it matures is called harvesting.
7. Irrigation :- supply of water to crops at appropriate interval is called irrigation.
8. Kharif :- kharif crops are the crops that are grown with the arrival of monsoon in different parts of country.
9. Manure :- magnitude is a natural substance obtained by the decomposition of cattle dung and plant residues.
10.Plough :-A large farm tools which is pulled by a tractor or by an animal. A plough turns the soil over ready for seeds to be planted.
11.Rabi :-Rabi crops are the crops that are sown at the end of monsoon or at the beginning of winter season that is between September and October.
12.Seeds :-The small hard part of a plant from which a new plant of the same kind can grow.
13.Silo :-A tall tower on a farm used for storing grains, etc.
14.Sowing :-Plantation of seeds of a crop in soil is called sowing.
15.Storage :- The process of keeping or putting something in a special place while it is not being used.
16.Threshing :- separation of the grains from the craff is called threshing.
17.Weeds :- The undesirable plants mein grow naturally along with the crop are called weeds.
18.Weedicide :- weeds are controlled by using certain chemicals called weedicides like 2,4-d.
19.Winnowing :- separating chaff from grains can be done through winnowing.
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